the MacAngLyn journey: Canvassing for SMB Cache

KNOWLEDGE, the Super-Power


🎓️ KNOWLEDGE, the Super-Power - how to pass knowledge forward
🔎 Canvassing for SMB Cache - this week’s progress that you can copy
💹 Growth - our take-aways that you can use in your business buying journey
📚️ Resources - books, podcasts, etc. we are using to make us smarter

🎓️ KNOWLEDGE, the Super-Power

Simplicity. I have always believed that making things simple to understand is the only way to go when communicating to others.

I come from a long line of teachers. My mother was an English teacher and my father a golf coach.  So mom could stay at home with us when we were little, my dad sought out a career where he made more money.  He ended up using his teaching skill set in business to build up world-wide training programs for an oil service tool company.

My parents’ mission was always to help others by communicating and transferring knowledge.  I admire them and that value, a value and passion that they passed on to me… to ensure that I used my knowledge to help others.

I believe that knowledge is a super-power, and like any super-power, it can be used to help or harm.  I always tell my kids that the most powerful tools can be used for the most good or they can be used for utmost harm.  Take a hammer; it can be used as a tool to build beautiful things, but it also can be used as a dangerous weapon.  

“The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” Luke 6:45

My strong belief is that if you are gifted with the super-power of knowledge, you must also be wise enough to use it to help others.  Therefore, make your message simple, something that anyone with any education level or experience can understand.  Use it to pass your gift forward.


This week’s business buying journey has been fruitful.  It doesn’t always feel like it will be when you’re in the middle of it, but here are some activities we accomplished this week.

🪓 49 Opportunities Logged in our Analysis and Tracking Spreadsheet
☎️ 5 Listings Inquired After
👀 1 Off Market Deal Investigated
🤝 1 Networking Event with Aurora’s Chamber of Commerce
🏫 1 Learning Event with Unconventional Acquisitions


Here are some items that I’ve been working on this week.  This journey really is about learning, growing, self reflection and acting on the insight gained.

😵 Remove Distractions - Consume with Intention
 ✔️ Turn off Social Media Notifications
 ✔️ Unsubscribe from Unneeded Email Subscriptions

🎯 Goal to Re-Focus on the Business Buying Process
 ✔️ Set Daily Metrics
 ✔️ Remember to Execute on the Metrics

📰 Newsletter Improvement
 ✔️ Read other Subscriptions for Ideas
 ✔️ Tweak Formatting

🔖 Development
 ✔️ Attended Unconventional Acquisitions 
 ✔️ Checked out AudioBook from Library & Begun Listening


Resources that can help you learn about small and medium business (SMB) buying:

  1. The First 90 Days is a book about what to do the first 90 days after acquiring a business.