Starting Over: the MacAngLyn Journey

“Turn it up!”

“The knob is right there,” my husband said…and up went the volume!

“It’s early morning, the sun comes out, Last night was shaking and pretty loud….” Rock You Like A Hurricane by the Scorpions comes blaring out of the car stereo.

The cold wind blew through my hair; the music was rocking; my head bobbed as I sang. It was a cool, fall Chicago morning, 52 degrees, and I had the window all the way down. I was showing my age…

I turned to peek in the backseat to see if either of my two toddlers were enjoying the song. Of course they were, even through chattering teeth, they were bobbing their heads to my 80's music. And my mind turned to the idea of starting over.

What a blessing to get to start over with little ones again. Most people our age are coasting it out a few more years into retirement, and here we are with these two new, little people. They are wide-eyed, playful, ready to explore the world and try new things!

So what does starting over mean, really? If you think about it, we are each starting anew every day and with each new thing that we do. It's a state of mind.

Starting over could be as simple as making chili for the first time or the fiftieth time. In both situations you are starting something new but just at different points in the learning cycle. The first time you make chili, you might not know the ingredients from memory or how each spice changes the flavor of the dish, so you start with someone else's recipe. It may not be exactly what you wanted, but it gets the goal accomplished. The fiftieth time you start to make it again, you know exactly how each ingredient and spice alters the flavor. Either way, you have to start, do, accomplish; you will just have a different understanding of the process when you do it the first time versus the fiftieth time.

When we think of it like that, it becomes easy and fun to start something! "I will make rivers in the dry wasteland so my chosen people can be refreshed. I have made Israel for myself, and they will someday honor me before the whole world." Isaiah 43:20‭-‬21

God has purpose for the ideas He places in us. He puts them in us for our good and for His glory, so we can feel joy in the growth, the newness, the starting.

Here are resources to learn more about business growth and mindset.

  1. Codie Sanchez talks about the Evolutionary Wealth Theory in the following video. The steps in that process are Feel, Walk, Speak, Master:

  2. Leila Hormozi talks about different levels of growth in business development: